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About Us


Meshah Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd providing express services.

Company’s Activities

For express bus, 1st trip we have is from Unisza/UMT-Kuala Terengganu-Kuala Berang-AMBS-Cheneh-Kuala Lumpur (TBS & Greenwood)-Rawang-Bukit Beruntung-Tanjung Malim

Company’s Experience

The company has been expanding rapidly for the past 3 to 4 years. They started with 2 buses. All the express buses are single deck with 30 capacity of seat.

Strong Management Team

They have diverse background and experience in their related fields, thus, giving them an advantage in terms of technical expertise and networking channel. They are also practices hands on in the management. Strong commitment, evidenced by taking turns to be at the terminal everyday to check and greet on the customers

New Market

ADAM EKSPRES intended to penetrate new market in northern region. This route is basically a high demanded route which is still considered as less competitive with only several players involved.

Besides, transportation to northern from east coast region is only limited to bus transportation services. There is no train or flight available thus public transport users will depend solely to express bus services.

Adam Express